An Autumn Flower Reading
A Flower Reading for the Autumn Cycle
The Daffodil
It may appear rather out of balance that I am speaking about daffodils as we are far beyond the spring blooms, but we are planting the bulbs at this time, so in fact, it is not odd at all. The daffodil has a powerful message to share to guide us through the autumn months. Here we have the bright and uplifting flower, often the showstopper of spring, bringing cheer and joy and lifting the soul completely from the winter blues. In many ways, it is the bubbly, cheerful, social personality of the flowers communicating loud and clear with their large trumpet-shaped structure. Are you the exuberant type? Are you always cheerful and bubbly even when, in fact, you are the opposite? Do you have many social demands? Have you burned out your inner fire trying to please others or conform to social demands?
Daffodils are all about expressing your own personal power and speaking your truth, and because she is appearing as we descend into winter, it is a reminder that it is time to slow down and not burn out. Her vibration is linked to the nervous system, and as we sit within autumn and prepare for winter, reflect on her wisdom, take stock, and tend to your own body. Rest your mind, tend to your inner flame so it can be sustained through the darker months. It is okay to slow down and root into the earth before you can reawaken, replenished in spring. Are you an individual who overthinks and analyzes? She is inviting you to connect to your heart and move away from your mind. As the days grow darker, it is also important that you tend to your circulation through movement. Autumn and winter, we physically slow down, and we should follow nature’s cue, but her message is one of tending to your self-care during this time.
Work on keeping your digestive fire healthy, boosting your circulation and immune system. The daffodil is all about expression, ideas, and thoughts, and she is inviting you to begin to reflect over the autumn, gather your thoughts, truly value yourself, and be honest about what it is you truly wish to bring forth in the spring. You do not need to be social and bubbly. This is not about uplifting others but tending to your own needs and valuing yourself. Communicate your boundaries with confidence and no apologies. Allow the slower months to help you find stillness and clarity and express them freely with confidence and creative steps. This will be a time for you to be clear and honest about what you want and where you want to go from here and keep that safe before allowing it to bloom in the spring.
New ideas may be coming your way, and if they are from the heart, no longer put them off. Release the fears. Although it is time that we start slowing down, daffodil also warns of being too stagnant, lazy, and lethargic; with that, confusion, doubt, and depression can follow. By incorporating her wise words, the following darker months can be restful, restorative, bring clarity, and foster creative expression. You may wish to meditate on the daffodil or reflect on these words and journal them.
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What a wonderful post, so insightful. I will most definitely take it on board. x
A very interesting article. Things I’d never thought about, but makes sense.