The Wild Choice Herbal Consultation

Bridge to Nature and Harmony

Offering The Wild Choice with my practice in Zoopharmacogmosy, helping to assist your animal through herbalism based on the practice of the complete free will of the animal and their innate ability to self select botanicals. With my training as a clinical vitalist herbalist, it gives me great joy to share my knowledge and help support you and your animals as an Innate Botanicals Selection Practitioner. My own personal path in animal herbalism looks closely at the energetics and individual constitution and soul. An individual course of plan will be offered for you after the session, before another session takes place. I work closely with dogs and horses, especially those with deep trauma issues. By journeying with me in The Wild Choice, you will learn how we truly let the animal lead the way, trusting in their natural ability and giving them the opportunity to tap into their state to find balance and harmony by aligning with nature. Consultations with me go much farther than a session with herbs, it can help build connection with your animal, help you to connect with nature yourself, learn about the abundance of herbs in your local area, and so much more.

The Benefits

  • Bring enrichment to you and your animal.
  • Deepens your relationship
  • Builds trust and confidence
  • For fear and anxiety.
  • Harmony and vitality
  • Can help with chronic conditions
  • .For nourishment.
  • For deep rooted trauma.
  • Learn of the interconnectedness between animals, plants and people.
  • And so much more..

The Prevention Pathway Protocol

Herbal consultations do not have to be offered when your animal is already diagnosed or poorly, or showing signs of health issues, the best we can do is always focus on prevention. Herbal consults can offer support and sustain well-being and balance, can work through any emotional imbalances before any physical concerns arise, and may also highlight any potential weaknesses. Often we easily miss the smallest of signs, which unchecked could possibly lead to health concerns later on in the future. It is important to understand the intelligent response of the body, and act upon this vital responses through herbal support which may restore balance and harmony.

The Enrichment and Nourishment Pathway

With no agenda other than enriching the relationship between you and your animal, or enriching their lives with allowing them to lead the way, building confidence, and helping them to act upon their innate natural behaviour, which in turn is important for communication, along with providing fun and creativity.

The Deep Trauma Pathway

Connecting with horses and dogs who have deep rooted trauma, helping with emotional release, and so much more. Herbs can be so powerful at healing at such a dep emotional and soul level.

The Process of a Consultation

An initial appointment will be made for me to meet you and your animal and we go through an in-depth case study to help provide me with a vitalist and holistic view of your animal. Basically, we will just have a lovely connection and chat about your wonderful animal companion. Then an appointment will be made for the botanical session and in the meantime, I go through the whole case notes and set a general plan of what herbs, essential oils, essences or hydrosols will best aid your animal, but ultimately, the day of the session will always be lead by the animal. During our first meeting, we can discuss more about what Innate Botanical Sessions are and what you can expect. Follow up sessions are always advised, from 10 days after each session. It is hard to say how long a session will last, it will depend on the animal, whether they choose a path of deep healing or are just not quite ready to go so deep, which can often be the case for animals who have been through so much trauma, and we will simply take our time, offering the animal exactly what they need at that very moment, and be there waiting, for when they have that confidence, trust and courage for deeper healing. Sometimes, the animal decides that what is needed the most maybe happened that morning which was completely trivial. Above all else, we must give the animal the freedom and choice, and with that, we instil deeper, trusting relationships. With that said, sessions can last uo to 1 to 2 hours, sometimes more. I am willing to take as long as it needs.

Pleas book a consultation below, I do ask that a deposit is at least made for our initial meet, and the remaining fee can be made just before or on the day of the session. Alternatively, you can pay in full before our initial meet.


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